Selected Publications

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By Scott D. Bergeson, Michael J. Ware, and Jeremy Hawk

We report an all-solid-state gamma-ray scintillation detector comprised of a NaI(Tl) crystal and a scientific-grade CMOS camera. After calibration, this detector exhibits excellent linearity over more than three decades of activity levels ranging from 10 mCi to 400 nCi. Because the detector is not counting pulses, dead-time correction is not required. Compared to systems that use a photomultiplier tube, this detector has similar sensitivity and noise characteristics on short time scales. On longer time scales, we measure drifts of a few percent over several days, which can be accommodated through regular calibration. Using this detector, we observe that when high activity sources are brought into close proximity to the NaI crystal, several minutes are required for the measured signal to achieve a steady state.

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By Q. McKnight, S. D. Bergeson, J. Peatross, and M. J. Ware
Abstract: We report nearly continuous beta-decay-rate measurements of Na-22, Cl-36, Co-60, Sr-90, and Cs-137 over a period of 2.7 years using four Geiger-Müller tubes. We carefully control the ambient pressure and temperature for the detectors, sources, and electronics in order to minimize environmentally-dependent systematic drifts in the measurement chains. We show that the amplitudes of an annual oscillation in the decay rates are consistent with zero to within 0.004%.